Sunday, September 22, 2013

composition study

so i did start to study composition today. my friend share a good movie reference.
and the movie i pic do really have good composition.

i really did have some trouble doing this one. i'm getting really rusty and have a hard time using the tablet (such a shame).

 i picked a colored movie and did try to do a colored study but since my o-c-ness creep in
i almost forgot my purpose and just concentrate on the outcome so after a few minutes (since the result is not good and luckily i realize it before i wasted hour on it) i drop it and shift to black and white.

the 1st study is very simple, i could have finished it very quick but before i realize i'm trying to copy every little details which of course will destroy the purpose of my study, so scratch again and go back to my main goal. the 2nd one is more complex but still have the same problem, i always have to  remind myself "no to details!"
i did enjoy it! and did notice some principles in composition. i'll make more study!!
let's just hope my next work will improve.

i just hope i'll continue to see more pics on the net.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

forgotten w.i.p.

because i have so many art blogs, now i'm confuse where should i post.

this blog title don't live to it;s name...should be change soon. i can't post daily drawing stuff.

anyways, i accidentally found a w.i.p.! i think it's almost 2 years old. ahahhahah
i always forgot i have w.i.p.s. 
(but this one is one of my favorite, i really wanted to do it in full render but i forgot it)

i just edit the eyes and add some shadow in the face.
(and up to now i still can't get the grip of how to construct the eyes properly, darn better study more)
face proportion is not good since i always get excited shading and putting colors.
i always neglect the values but this one turn out not bad at all.
i still need to improve hair and face anatomy.

anyway just feel like sharing this one. one of my almost forgotten w.i.p.

now i wonder when will i make a full render digipaint